Category: General

  • 7 Stages of Dementia: Understanding the FAST Scale & Score Results

    7 Stages of Dementia: Understanding the FAST Scale & Score Results

    Dementia has different stages that signify how the disease has progressed in a patient and what is currently happening to their state of mind and body.  Understanding the correct stage helps caregivers, family members, and medical professionals know what is happening to their loved ones and how they can prepare the patient for future challenges.…

  • How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

    How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

    Wanting to do things perfectly stops you before you even start. Freezing before taking the first action. Putting things on hold trying to figure out a flawless way to carry on.  Do you find yourself constantly in these situations?  Wanting to do your best at every task and deliver top-quality work is both a blessing…

  • How Stress Puts a Strain on Your Life

    How Stress Puts a Strain on Your Life

    We all experience stress from time to time, but we all experience it differently. For some, it’s the daily frustration of a traffic jam or the fear of missing a deadline. For others, it’s the result of a major life event, such as moving, losing a loved one, financial strain or personal trauma. No matter…

  • Beauty Tips When You Are In Your Early 20’s

    Beauty Tips When You Are In Your Early 20’s

    It is commonly said that the most beautiful ages of girl’s skin are the magnificent 20’s. Although, it is important to note that skin health can be maintained only with a proper skincare routine and can never be started early enough. In order to prevent skin issues and delay aging process later in the 40s…

  • Benefits of a Positive Lifestyle

    Benefits of a Positive Lifestyle

    All of us have a lot of problems. We might even have depression without knowing it. There is no guarantee that we can totally eliminate all of our problems instantly. But one of the best thing that you can do to lessen the troubled feelings and negativity, is to stay and think POSITIVE. The more…

  • 5 TOP Benefits of Self-Care

    5 TOP Benefits of Self-Care

    Taking care of yourself can help you become more productive and work more efficiently. This pertains to taking care of your whole well-being: body, mind, emotions, and spirit. There are some enormous benefits you can get from self-care. 1. Reduces Negative Effects of Stress Having stress can limit you from acting to your full capacity.…